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Coconuts Galore!



 In our area they're considered a nuisance! There are so many of them constantly falling that the trees are cut down and the coconuts are piled up and burned. That's what was staring me in the face one day while walking the beach barely five minutes from the Jungle Butterfly Farm.



That triggered the thought that there might be some use for these things that would make them worth saving. Sure enough a chat over a cup of coffee reminded me of the many uses of the oil. It still seemed a little exotic at the time but needless to say a quick perusal of the internet put the precious liquid within reach. All I basically needed was the white meat chipped from a few coconuts, water, cheese cloth, a few empty containers and of course my wife's blender. Piece of cake! My wife was away visiting family!


That's how the whole thing started. The first few ounces were enough to get me and many others around here hooked.


Now we're on a mission to rescue all the coconuts we can on our beaches!

Created by the Jungle Butterfly Farm

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